The Board of Trustees is comprised of:
- Three active firefighters who are elected for a term
of three years, with elections held on a yearly rotation.
If an active firefighter retires, he or she may no longer
serve on the Board, and a special election will be held to
fill the unexpired term.
- A retired firefighter elected by the retired firefighters
who receive a benefit from the Retirement System. This Trustee
also serves a three-year term.
- The Chief of the Fire Department of the City of St. Louis
and the Comptroller of the City of St. Louis serve on the
Board of Trustees by virtue of their position or office.
- Two mayoral appointees who serve for a two year term.
Current Trustees
- Active Firefighters
Gerald “Jerry” Jacobsen – Chairman - Term Expires August 31, 2026
William Ellner – Term Expires August 31, 2025
Kenny Mitchell – Term expires August 31, 2027
- Retired Firefighter
Bruce Williams, Term Expires August 31, 2026
- Ex-Officio
Chief Dennis Jenkerson
Darlene Green, Comptroller
Jason Fletcher – Alternate
- Mayoral Appointees
Mr. Mark Smith, Term Expires August 31, 2019
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